Script: Adding Exchange Resource Accounts to your Outlook

I work for a large public University and we have many Resource Accounts.  We needed a way to move from Public Folders but we wanted it to be seemless as possible.  To do this, I created this VBS script that allows anyone to add Resource Accounts to their Outlook 2013/2010 calendar as a shared calendar.  The user in question will have to run this script while Outlook is open and it will pull the Resource Account (add the Resource Account name in the RESOURCEACCOUNTNAME variable below) from the GAL and add it to the users calendar.  I hope this helps anyone interested in doing the same.

' Script Name: ADDCALENDAR.vbs
' Version: 1.0
' Author: Josh Rickard
'Last Updated: 4.Nov.2013
' Purpose: This program is used to add Room Resource Calendars to
' someones Microsoft Office 2013 Shared Calendars group.
' Outlook 2013 has to be open for this script to continue.
' This script was originally created for the Trulaske
' University of REDACTED Technology Services Department.
' Legal: Script provided "AS IS" without warranties or guarantees
' of any kind. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Public domain.
 Dim objApp
 Dim objNS
 Dim objFolder
 Dim strName(3)
 Dim objDummy
 Dim objRecip
 Dim calendar

Const olMailItem = 0
 Const olFolderCalendar = 9


' This section checks to see if Outlook 2013 is open. If it is not
' It will return "Please Open Outlook and run this program again"

'Change "Outlook.Application.15" to "Outlook.Application.14" for Outlook 2010
On Error Resume Next
Dim Outlook: Set Outlook = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application.15")

If Err.Number = 0 Then
 MsgBox "This program will add Room Calendars to your mailbox."
 MsgBox "Please Open Outlook and run this program again."
End If

' For Each Next Loop while adds each calendar from strName(array) to the users Shared Calendars

For Each calendar In strName

Set objApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application.15")
 Set objNS = objApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
 Set objFolder = Nothing

 Set objDummy = objApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
 Set objRecip = objDummy.Recipients.Add(calendar)
 If objRecip.Resolved = True Then
 On Error Resume Next
 Set objFolder = objNS.GetSharedDefaultFolder(objRecip, olFolderCalendar)
 On Error GoTo 0
 MsgBox "Could not find ", , _
 "User not found"
 End If


 Set GetOtherUserCalendar = objFolder
 Set objApp = Nothing
 Set objNS = Nothing
 Set objFolder = Nothing

MDT 2012: Installing a Custom Dictionary in Office 2010

So, some might not need this but thought I would share anyways.  I have created my new MDT 2012 Deployment Share and want to add Microsoft Office 2010 as an application, but I also need to customize that deployment of Office 2010 when I’m deploying my new OS.  Here are the steps on how to do this, but also how to create a custom Office 2010 Install.

  1. Once you’ve setup everything for you OS, go to the Applications folder on your Deployment Share and right click>New Application
  2. Once there, put in the relavent information including where your resource CD is located.
  3. THen once you have done this, you will notice that there is an extra tab compared to other applications.  This is because Microsoft Deployment Toolkit recognizes that it’s Office 2010 and gives you a few more options.
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  5. Click on the Office Products Tab and you should now see this screen:
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  7. Now click on the Office Customization Tool
  8. You will be prompted with a warning box, please read and understand this.  Any Customizations you make are saved in a customization file and need to be moved to the appropriate folder within your Office 2010 source file.
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  10. Then the Office Customization Tool dialog box shows up.  You can do ton’s of customizations but for this post it’s all about adding a Custom Dictionary to Office 2010.
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  12. Once there select Add Files and go to where your .Dic file is at and make sure you select INSTALLLOCATION as the option.
  13. Then click on Add Registry Entires
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  15. Add the Registry settings that you see in the image above
  16. Here is a more detailed view of what you should see when you select Add… in the bottom corner:
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  18. Then select Remove Registry Entries, this is needed to remove any previous settings when Office 2010 Installs originally.
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  20. That’s it, now save your MSP File in the appropriate location and you should be good to go.